Category Archive: Classes

New Beginners Class Great Baddow

ETCA Admin2 | June 17, 2024 |

There will be a new Beginners Class starting in Great Baddow at the Park View Room, Millenium Centre, Baddow Road, CM2 9RL on 1st July 2024 from 7.00pm to 9.00pm.

Contact Jean Meadwell by Text or WhatApp on 07791 191611

Category: Classes

New Class in Clacton

ETCA Admin2 | August 9, 2023 |

A new class is starting up in Clacton on 15th September 2023. It will run from 14:00 to 16:00.

The class will be held at The Brotherhood Hall, 28 St Osyth Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 3BW.

Cheryl Mcintosh will be the instructor. Please contact her on 07483 210115 if you require more information.


Category: Classes

New Lok Hup Class at Wickham Bishops

ETCA Admin2 | May 26, 2023 |

A new Lok Hup class on Tuesdays 10:00 to 12:00 is to be run at Wickham Bishops. Beginning Tuesday 13th June 2023 the class will be run by Lisa Kay. A reasonable knowledge of Tai Chi is required before starting.

Category: Classes

(Updated 24/08/23) Back to Basics workshops continue

ETCA web admin | November 14, 2022 |

Back to basics workshops:

We are going to continue running these for existing members of the Academy every three months in 2023 and 2024

Details here: Back-to-basics schedule 2023 and 2024



Category: Classes, Workshops

We will be opening further classes in 2022

ETCA web admin | December 9, 2021 |

There will be a new Tai Chi class at Highwood Village Hall from 26th January 2022,

and one in Chelmsford, at St Augustine’s Church Hall in Springfield, from 14th February 2022.

See details in our classes list.
Chelmsford – Springfield

Category: Classes

More classes opening

ETCA web admin | November 21, 2021 |

As the battle against Covid 19 continues and most of us have been fully vaccinated, some of our tai chi classes are moving and we have a new one. See our classes list for changes at Chelmsford (was at Broomfield), Burnham on Crouch, and our new class at Wickham Bishops.

Category: Classes

We’re open for classes

ETCA web admin | August 27, 2021 |

It’s over a month since most legal restrictions ended and we’re down to common sense. All classes are active indoors as listed in the relevant links at the side. We’re even planning a workshop-cum-get-together in September.
Ask your class instructor for details.

Take care out there and keep well!

Category: Classes

Roadmap step 3 and restarting our classes

ETCA web admin | June 2, 2021 |

With the move in May to step 3 of the Roadmap out of Covid we’ve been able to start our indoor classes again. There has been some re-organisation of classes with some classes being closed, others re-opened and a couple of new ones starting in June. Check the Classes menu at the side for more details – note that there are two sub-menus, one for Tai Chi classes and another for Lok Hup Ba Fa.

The new classes will be at Danbury on Thursday afternoons and at Broomfield on Monday evenings.

Our instructor ‘committee’ met recently at Oaklands park in Chelmsford to discuss our next steps as Covid recedes, and then had a practise session together afterwards…

“Strum the Peipa”
“Fan penetrates through back”
“Separate foot to the Right”


Category: Classes

Spring and the release of Lockdown

ETCA web admin | March 25, 2021 |

The lockdown put paid to our New Year plans, but thanks to most people’s patience and the wonderful vaccines we’ll be in a position to resume our cautious restarting of our outdoor activities as of 29th March, 2021.

  • The green in America Street, Maldon.
    Monday 29th and Friday 2nd 10.00 
    Contact:  Judy
    Mob: 07966 052861
  • “The cage” at the back of Felsted Hall
    Thursday 1st  9.30
    Contact: Shirley
    Mob: 07522 586788
  • The Green near Lisa’s house Burnham,
    Date is still to be decided,
    Contact: Lisa
    Mob: 07771656063
  • The car park at Birchhanger Hall.
    Wednesday mornings 10.00
    Contact: Cait
    Mob: 07415628935

NB. please contact the intructor before you attend to make sure there’s no overcrowding.

Category: Classes

Recovering from the Lock-Down

ETCA web admin | July 14, 2020 |

It feels like lockdown is now gradually lifting and some of us are now meeting up for outdoor and socially distanced practice sessions. We know many others are still shielding either themselves or their partners and are unable to join these sessions. So, we will continue to produce our fortnightly News Sheet to support all our members who are still practising at home, indoors or in the garden. The classes may be on hold, but our Academy is not.

Category: Classes