Category Archive: Classes

We’re open for classes

ETCA web admin | August 27, 2021 |

It’s over a month since most legal restrictions ended and we’re down to common sense. All classes are active indoors as listed in the relevant links at the side. We’re even planning a workshop-cum-get-together in September.
Ask your class instructor for details.

Take care out there and keep well!

Category: Classes

Roadmap step 3 and restarting our classes

ETCA web admin | June 2, 2021 |

With the move in May to step 3 of the Roadmap out of Covid we’ve been able to start our indoor classes again. There has been some re-organisation of classes with some classes being closed, others re-opened and a couple of new ones starting in June. Check the Classes menu at the side for more details – note that there are two sub-menus, one for Tai Chi classes and another for Lok Hup Ba Fa.

The new classes will be at Danbury on Thursday afternoons and at Broomfield on Monday evenings.

Our instructor ‘committee’ met recently at Oaklands park in Chelmsford to discuss our next steps as Covid recedes, and then had a practise session together afterwards…

“Strum the Peipa”
“Fan penetrates through back”
“Separate foot to the Right”


Category: Classes

Saturday session update

ETCA Admin2 | February 12, 2020 |

Please remember the next session is Saturday 14th 10:00 till 13:00, there is a change to the April 11th date, this will now be on Saturday 13th April 09:30 till 12:30.

Many thanks.

Category: Classes

New Monthly Classes

ETCA Admin2 | January 15, 2020 |

Fantastic news, ETCA now hold a new monthly Sword and Sabre class, this will be held one Saturday a month.

Dates confirmed are to be Jan 18th, Feb 8th, March 14th, April 11th, May 9th, June 13th, July 11th, August 8th, Sept 12th, Oct 10th, Nov 14th and Dec 12th.

This class will be held between 10:00am until 13:00pm at Langford Village Hall, Maldon Road, Langford, CM9 4SS

Swords and Sabres will be available for use

Category: Classes

Tai Chi Workshop

ETCA Admin2 | November 9, 2019 |

Sunday 17th November 10:00 to 16:00

with Jeff Moody

At St Ives Corn Exchange – Charter Hall, The Pavement St Ives PE27 5AG

for more information please ask your instructor

Category: Classes, Workshops

Park Drive

ETCA Admin2 | July 18, 2019 |

The class at Park Drive Maldon has now closed until 6th September when a new beginners class will start

Category: Classes

New Beginners Class in Felsted for October 2017

Toni Walsh | August 10, 2017 |

We are delighted to announce that we will be starting a six-week Tai Chi introductory course for beginners on Thursdays at the Felsted Memorial Hall on the 12th October from 9.30 – 10.30am

Please visit the Felsted Classes page for more details.

Category: Classes